Friday, November 25, 2011

Melbourne - love this town

Happy Friday and thank goodness it's here!! Start of the weekend and away from this hell-hole called 'my work' for two days.

I seriously cannot stand my boss anymore, I have never met such an erratic, control freak and bull-crapper before in my life!! What a big mistake I made taking this stupid job that was only ever good for the first month.

Back to happier things.  One of the nicer part of my job is to be able to work on fun accounts.  As a part of that I got to head over to Melbourne for the day.  I flew in on Wednesday night and got to meet up with my bestie.

We went to a warehouse party hosted by a tequila brand so free food and drinks until midnight.  Love this town.  On entry it was much like a party you would go to in New York. Though now that I know that Mister's ex-comeback-fling lives in New Jersey, the thought of New York makes me cringe.

Next stop was a fantastic bar called Black Pearl.  At midnight on a Wednesday come Thursday it was already vibing and getting busier as the minutes ticked by.  As the door kept opening and the bar filled up more and more, I confirmed to myself that Melbourne talent is definitely better than Sydney talent.  The crowd all had an artistic edge to them, the vibe was nowhere near as pretentious as some bars in Sydney and I am just loving Melbourne more and more.

I had a tinge of regret, I tried to make the move to Melbourne two years ago and it lasted not even a week.  All thanks to Mister, he has been such a burden to my emotions and yet I STILL can't stop thinking about him and wondering what he is up to ... even today.

I was sad to leave Melbourne, my bestie and her hubbie have such a great set of friends, they catch up so often and they are like a big family.  I find it so hard to do it here.  If I catch up with friends I make plans for at least a week or two away.  Another thing that I love is that everyone knows everyone in their social circle, what is missing here is that.  I catch up with friends only to find out they haven't seen other mutual friends in ages or it was a few months ago.

Can't wait to head back.  If only I didn't have a new found addiction to ASOS, I would be back there in a heartbeat.

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