Monday, November 29, 2010

Taking out the garbage

I'd like to think that taking out the garbage is easy but it's not.  I am referring to my ex who decided to break up with reasons unknown, rather he just said "I don't know, I'm just over it".

So, anyway he has recently been calling me quite a bit and we have been catching up for dinners and walks just about every week or so.  We also share a mutual interest in online shopping and I gave him authority to bid on ebay using my account as he had been barred with a particular store.  But then I started to think that this could end up being a frequent thing, and with nothing to be achieved at the end of it except for him being able to score designer label/high fashion items at an awesome price... it had to stop.

After a DM session at 2am after two bottles of sparkling and a quick dance at a singles event with my friend Janey, this morning I sent him a text asking him to stop.  Even before my night out, I knew what I had to do, and that is to cut ties and clean this part of my life up! - Taking out the garbage.

Without so much of a text back, he just deleted everything he was watching and has not picked up my call to him.  Of course, now I feel guilty, and feel that perhaps I have been too harsh though am feeling heartbroken yet again, the feeling of angst adding to my already gloomy morning at work.  But this has happened before, and I am definitely not going to be the friend he wants me to be, so I need a plan - well not so much of a plan, but I need to follow three easy steps.

Next steps....
1. Sit down with him when I give him the remaining ebay purchases and let him know how I feel
2. Delete all friends associated with him on Facebook
3. Move on with my life

Not rocket science I know, and one that everyone I ask would probably tell me to do - Dummies Guide to Getting Rid of Your Ex.
By tomorrow, hopefully the housework has been done on that part of my life as I have definitely realised that if the bad smell 'hangs around' it always gets worse.

Yours Truly,
Miss A.

1 comment:

  1. Ex anythings can be hard work, sometimes it's just better to be free of them. You definitely don't need someone in your life who doesn't know what they want xxx
