Sunday, January 23, 2011

Tequila is the answer... or is it?

I have never been on a blind date before, and today was one of those 'first time for everything' days.  Yes, indeed, I set out on a date with someone I never met before.

I was such a nervous wreck, much like the time when I needed to get my shots for my travels overseas.

Of course in a situation such as this, I call upon my two trusted friends:

1. Janey
2. Tequila

Well, one of the best advice she could've given was to not have a shot of tequila, well, luckily I was in a position where there wasn't a preferred tequila in sight but that was easily replaced with a few vodka and apples.

The feeling of the unknown is I would say rather weird, when the phone rang and he was in the area I was just about in shambles, an absolute mess.

It was then that I was told of the 'Lemon Law'.  You have a thirty minute window where either you or your date can choose to leave once finding out you have met a bit of a dud.

In my case, I didn't need to practise the Lemon Law, and things progressed fine, but not dissimilar to perhaps an interview, you do have the 'd-oh' replays afterwards.

D-oh Replays:

1. I should've paid more attention to my hair when it obviously makes such an impact on my appearance.. first impressions d-oh!
2. Maybe I should have had a better outfit on... damn those first impressions d-oh!
3. Maybe I shouldn't have admitted that I live at home... in my thirty's that's lame d-oh!

Well it's done, but what next?
I have no idea, there are so many rules or lack of rules, who call's who? how long do you leave it? should I play it cool? should the thank-you text be sent, but from who? does he think I look like my profile pic? worst of all ... am I the lemon?

Seems like the dating game has returned... bring it on I say!

Yours Truly,

Miss A

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