Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The flavour explosion

Hi Peeps,

It's been awhile since my last post, and I had every great intention of updating you during my travels though I found it hard to do so.  A lot of different reasons really, internet cafe too hard to find, too busy, or not in the right environment.  It actually does take me some time to write a post, I must do it the hard way, structuring it my head, finding a subject, a reason to write, a quirky idea.

So I am back in the big smoke, working, stressed out, I've probably aged a little, gained a little more around the waist and everyday I dream about being back in the most perfect place on earth ... Mauritius.

The first few meals I had there, I didn't know what to think, my taste buds were confused, the local food is a mixture of Chinese, Indian and Western flavours.  The fried rice is just how I like it, not too oily, not to dry.  Then there are curries, different varieties, and they are all absolutely divine.

We were all invited back to a village for some real local food. Dinner was fish masala and roti, and to this day, I can confidently say that it was possibly one of the best meals I have ever had.  We were kept in great anticipation as the Mauritians eat quite late, it was possibly 8.30p.m by the time we were called to dinner but it was well worth the wait.

The next big thing in Mauritius is the BBQ, most popular to BBQ is fish, then chicken then sausages.  A Mauritian hot dog consists of a bread roll with chicken sausage, coleslaw and chilli, again, what a combination, and probably one of the best hot dogs I've tasted.

For our last night on the island we hosted our own party, we had our own BBQ, some chicken masala, mutton and the highlight of the night, a great catch by first-timer in the deep-sea fishing game - the other Miss A.  Marinated by our captain's wife - Mrs. Big Mama, it was an absolute delight.

And a party is not complete without the local Mauritian rum, I prefer Goodwill though our Mauritian friends seem to like Seven Seas.  The great thing about this local spirit is that it is so easy to drink, a little TOO easy, and best of all, the next day, it's like you didn't have a bender at all.

So a big cheers to all my new found friends over in Mauritius, the lovely other Miss A, and my bro, for such an amazing holiday.  I have so much to say, it's all banked up in that messed up brain of mine, but I am certain that it will arrange itself and I will be able to share with you so much more.


Yours truly,

Miss A.

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