Saturday, December 11, 2010


I saw a doctor the other day for some malaria tablets for my trip to Africa and was absolutely mortified when she also told me I needed to have shots - Typhoid, Hep A and Tetanus.

You see I have the biggest fear of needles and the thought of it just makes me want to puke.  Initially I decided not to get them at all and just hope for the best.  I even considered not going on my trip at one point.

Over dinner at a Ramen House that night, I discussed this fear with my friends. Even talking about it would make me feel sick.  I think what made up my mind to do it was when Matt told me what could happen if I should fall ill and how easy it would be to catch Hep A, even here at home. Well I also didn't want some sort of disease twisting my spine or brain out, but I still needed so much more courage than that.

The next morning I sent out an SOS to my friend Janey, who thank goodness came to my rescue straight away.  "I'll be there!" was an instant text back which made me feel maybe 2% better than I did.  The dread of not one but three needles sent my stomach into knots once more.

I then decided that the best thing to do was to get myself intoxicated.  A vodka and apple followed straight away with two shots of perhaps tequila would indeed calm the nerves.

Later on, Janey came to the rescue and she was very supportive and even offered to hold my sweaty hands.  

We were all gathered in the 'needle' room and there was a little posse, me sitting in a chair hitting my head against one of the beds, legs shaking, fists clenched and sweating bullets, Janey standing upright, arms crossed and trying to calm me down, and the male nurse fussing about trying to make me see that there was nothing wrong with needles and even breaking out with a few jokes, whilst getting everything set.

The trolley with the needles came over, and another guy came into the room and said "are you ready? let's do it"

I looked up and instantly cried out "where is my DOCTORRRRRR"

Apparently he was a lot gentler and so I said to myself "here goes nothing"  
The male nurse comforted me by rubbing my ear lobes and then everyone's words of comfort became nothing but mush around me.
The first shot ... hmmm that wasn't so bad, but I had two more to go,
The second shot ... OWWW! And I let EVERYONE know - I heard myself echo down the corridor and then even whimpered 
The third shot ... OWWWWWW! The third scream was the loudest and the best. Stung - ok not as bad as the second one but I also sighed - what a relief.

When I was fixing up payment my doctor came out and said "OK are you ready?"

which Janey's response was,

"She's already done it - didn't you hear her?"

Yours Truly,

Miss A

If you ever need shots before your travels, I recommend:

Hyde Park Medical Centre
175 Liverpool Street Sydney

Total cost for consultation and three shots: $208

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