Friday, October 28, 2011

Out on a school night

Last night I went to a media event.  A birthday bash for a magazine turning 10.  I got to mingle with celebs and media reps, editors and endless top-ups of Bollinger.

The crowd I would describe as corporately good looking.  So not the usual drab suits or evening party dresses with super high heels, rather outfits that were stylish, smart, with daring bursts of colour and prints, a silver jacket with a return of sharp shoulders and I even saw quirky but trendy suits that boasted creative flair.

The canapés before the speech and presentation were tasty and stylish, what more can you expect from a top shelf food magazine?

Though I did hear someone else ask what was in one of them and decided against it because it wasn't diet.  I don't think you can get diet versions of canapés?

A screen door then opened and where we were moved into a different part of the warehouse.  It was a great surprise and fantastically decorated.  We moved outside and there was a pig on a spit spinning and I tried not to stare at it too long before I felt bad as all eyes were still intact.  I mean I'm not a vegetarian but whenever I see the eyes even with fish I get a little uncomfortable with wanting to eat it.

When we did head out again later though the pigs ears were gone!

More food came out, a mixture of pizza, mini-burgers, smoked salmon salad, even sandwiches, by then I was pretty full or more likely tipsy from all of the champagne top-ups.

Then dessert came out and it was pretty amazing, they had actually made the same cake that was on the cover of their 10th birthday issue.

Pretty damn delicious and I even ate the cheesecake as well, wanted to try the pavlova but decided against it.

When we left we were given a goodie bag filled with awesome stuff, most of the time bags like this are filled with crap you don't even use but this was awesome, I loved everything in it!

Happy Birthday Delicious magazine.

Have always been a fan and to be a part of this celebration was just fan-ta-ma-tas-tic!

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