Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Positive thinking does work

Out with the old and in with the new.  Finally got the courage to stop calling Mister, it has been just over three weeks now since we last spoke and even though I still think about him, it is easier for me to bear.

After reading a fellow blogger's page and post about her online dating experience, I got inspired and decided to give the online thing another chance.  So I signed up and trawled through all of my requests, accepting one of them which caught my attention.  All I know was that his eyes got me, sometimes you look at a person and you know that there are stories to be told.

We became Facebook friends and I loved the idea that he has travelled, his online personality was bursting with life and vibrance, and best of all he seemed like he was quirky and funny.

So many people you accept online lack personality, not much more to say after 'How are you. How was your day. What do you like to do in your spare time. What do you do for work.' Snore.

Or else you get guys who will immediately request an MSN or Skype add so that they can send you videos or pics of their dicks.

I'd like to think that this guy was different.  I decided to meet up with him and we made arrangements to meet for drinks in my local area.  Though it didn't start off well.  I didn't hear from him for days and when I sent him a text to see if we were still on for drinks, I didn't hear back for hours.  I had given up and was laying in bed wondering why I even said yes to meeting up.

But in the end the date went ahead and we met up to see if we had a connection, any chemistry.  After a few drinks, we were pashing in the dimly lit bar.  It was fun, and I wanted to.  I hesitated at first and when we did kiss I was surprised at how his lips were so soft, softest I had ever felt, and the way he kissed was the complete opposite to Mister.  Passionate and grown up unlike the boyish kisses and tongue combats I had grown accustomed to in the previous few months.

He dared me to do things I wouldn't normally do, and it sent excitement through my blood like electricity.  We would stand outside of a shopfront and he would kneel down and kiss me on the side of my hip pulling my dress up whilst my hands would try and cover up what the world would otherwise get to see.

Words coming from his mouth were dirty and daring, I wasn't used to it but it made me laugh inside at how naughty someone can get.   I lapped up every dirty complimentary word but would never let it show, keeping my smiles to myself and thoughts of how awesome it felt to be showered with such positive words.

I do sometimes wonder what in world is going on with him though, the wanting to see me again, can't wait to see me again has resulted in nothing but a few messages here and there.

But this was all about me wanting to change my world for the better, stop wishing for something that could never happen with Mister, and it worked.  Even if it was a sleazy one night stand, at least I can give myself credit for being strong enough to finally let go of a wish and dream that could never be.

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