Thursday, February 2, 2012

Sayonara Soft Lips

Part 2.

I remember his lips being really soft, I was pleasantly surprised, his kisses were close to magical.

I wasn't sure if I wanted to see him again, I guess initially I did, but I was just busy, my days were always filled and I just couldn't see him.

But there came a point when he started to beg.

"Please can I see you"
"I want you so bad"
"Please can I fuck you"

So I agreed, and replied with "drinks and food this Thursday?"

I guess I always believe in people, believe that there are always good intentions and there is good in them.

He replied with "I wish you would just call me to come over when you are feeling playful"

I concluded that he didn't really want to get to know me in the end.  He just wanted a fuck, he wanted to jump my bones and I told him.

He told me that I am so hot, gorgeous and why wouldn't he. Sigh.  Some guys just don't get it.  Or maybe it is just him.

There is always something wrong with the ones you meet online and that I believe.

I had another guy who seemed nice, 'normal' and we had planned to meet.  And again I had been busy initially but agreed to catch up with him after a dinner with a friend.

He then told me that my bum was in trouble.

I think I gasped, but I wrote back with it being a no go zone.

"That's a bummer" he replied.

And then he deleted me off Facebook.

I laughed.

Seriously? Are guys really that interested in going to places where poo comes out?

Apparently if a girl agrees, it's a gesture of giving her all to him, and that it must be love.

Back to Mr. Sexting - well he continued for another week or two, I told him how it was, how he seemed so uninterested until now.  And I asked him why.  He said he was too busy at the end of the year.
But seriously? Not even one drink when he came to collect his jacket?

He got the message, earlier this week, my Facebook friends fell by another one,  I was deleted from his books.

I did feel a little pang, as inappropriate as he was at the best of times, the attention he gave me, the compliments I got, the knowing how much someone wanted to be with me did give me a feel good rush before the gross-ness set itself in.

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