Monday, March 19, 2012

Darlinghurst Douche

I got a random text message from one of the random numbers I had gotten whilst on the margaritas one night.

Two months later he wanted to catch up for a drink.  I thought to myself why not?  
I actually didn't really want to but I also did want to find out or remind myself what he looked like and if I had a chance of finding him interesting.

The day came and I met him on Oxford Street, he was late.  We went up to Ching-a-lings and he ordered a bottle of wine.

We ran out of things to talk about in - oh let's say - five minutes.  And this is me being generous.  Luckily we were both in the same industry so he could bitch about work.  When we didn't talk about work, it was awkward and I struggled to find things to talk about.  So I just started dropping random comments and talking about the first thing that came to mind.  Conversation was hard and trying.

I am sure I was out of there in around half and hour, he had some friends waiting for him up the road.  

Bad, bad date.

I walked away and laughed when he said he would keep in touch.

All I kept thinking about was how I wasted my time with this douche who was actually even too boring to be a douche.  I could have gone to the gym and lost four hundred calories.

Then I did it.

I called Mister and he was more than happy to come up and meet me.
He let me hang on to him as we walked to Spice I Am to order takeaway Thai in my heeled boots.

He called me when I got home to make sure I was ok and that I enjoyed my dinner.

OK - so he is not top of mind, but I think he may be slowly climbing up.

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