Saturday, April 21, 2012

Mr Fitz

I felt a flutter in my stomach when he sent me a wink.  27, very hot and reminded me of Mr. Fitz from Pretty Little Liars.

And he was also a school teacher, not English like Mr. Fitz but nonetheless, a school teacher.

He told me I was the prettiest girl he has seen, said he wouldn't be able to help himself and would kiss me as soon as we met.  His words were perfect, just like a romance novel.  And he always ended the conversation with 'good night my love'

I felt so young, I smiled all day at the office and just like it was supposed to be, he sends me texts as soon as he wakes up, 'morning, you are so beautiful'.

We made plans to meet up at the end of the week and one night he even posted a love heart emoji against my profile pic.  I felt such a rush to think how a boy so much younger than me would find me so attractive to him.

'You are so beautiful, even in the dark' he would say as we Skyped in our beds at night.

One morning I clicked on his profile by accident (yes it was by accident) and found he had also done the same to five other female profiles, stamped a heart against their pic, with one he even said, 'in love'. I stared at her for five minutes, comparing myself to her, what does she have that I don't have? Youth, big gorgeous eyes, and beautiful features.

Alarm bells started ringing in my head and the one word I didn't want to hear went blasting through my brain. PLAYER.

I didn't hear from him the morning of the day that we had planned to meet, so I sent him a text asking him if we were still on.  He replied saying he had to work and had a birthday to go to later on.  'Let's do next weekend, I'll stay over' he said.  I didn't reply and I think my chest felt the stabbing of a million knives.

Later that day when I logged onto the app, his profile disappeared from my list.  Two things could have happened, either he blocked me or he deleted his profile.

I felt such disappointment that I yelled out in the open air, 'I hate you!'

I didn't hate him, it was the universe.  I cursed the universe that day and wondered why I keep getting dealt the same old cards.

Life really is like a roller-coaster.

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