Sunday, April 8, 2012

Still in my twenties

I don't believe I act my age, I certainly don't feel my age.  I know friends and family who are younger than me, already settled, kids, mortgages, money in the bank, superannuation growing.  I on the other hand have none of those and I go out with my cuz who is ten years younger than me, behaving like I'm in my twenties.  Maybe for now I can get away with it, but for how much longer?  When I was bar tending I used to look at 'older' ladies - and I mean in their forties behaving like they are twenty something and it just looked tacky.  Back then I thought that, but now I see myself becoming one of those ladies in the near future.

Take one night at Ivy for instance.  Feeling rather happy after dinner at Uccello's, a brief stint at Pool Club, we went up to Ivy.  Talent was in abundance there that night.  I went up to one guy and immediately started pashing him.  His friend cheered him on and I carried on dancing.  I always wanted to kiss a nerdy guy unawares, and I did it that night. Tick.

Before I knew it I was dancing arm in arm with another guy.  I looked at him and smiled.  His body was hot, he had abs like bricks and I bent down and bit it.  Why? I don't know.  Ask the vodka and shot of tequila.  I then asked him if he was gay.  I think he got offended but I don't even know why I asked him that.  He said no.  So I said "prove it and kiss me".  There I went again, kissing him in the middle of the dance floor.  Nerdy guy in the background and I think Nerdy guy's friend was dry humping me but I wasn't sure, it was packed with people.  But then Mr. Abs, he left, I wasn't sure why.  Probably had to do with me being stupid.

Off I went dancing again and I saw the DJ's playing on a stage.  Whatever possessed me then, I jumped up on stage and started dancing.  It was short lived and I got told to get off by security but it was a fun filled three seconds of fame.

The night ended with a quarter pounder and two servings of fries.

A typically fun night for an early twenty something.

I try and tell myself to just keep having fun and I am.  Enjoying single life is fun.  But I do think of wanting something more.

When I am throwing up in the morning, when I am so hungover I can't move, all I really want is for someone to stroke my forehead and bring me a glass of icey cold water.

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