Saturday, May 28, 2011

The return of garbage

I moved into my new apartment today.  And it wasn't without it's dramas.

The deal with living in a large apartment complex which I shall now refer to as the compound, has a tonne of rules and regulations which I guess ensures there is order in the village.  There are nearly 20,000 apartments in the compound, equipped with a fairly large gym, two pools - one indoor and out, tennis courts, basketball courts and 24 hour security.  And by security, I mean ones that are generally not very pleasant and with an attitude to boot.

But I am in there now giving it a go, see how long it takes before I start yelling security - or shall I say building management.

Other news connected with this move.... you remember the subject of garbage?  Well it took me awhile to get him out of my head.  It was a lot of hard work.  Not seeing him, not replying to his texts, resisting the urge to meet up with him.  Finally after a lot of persistence on his part, I finally said yes.

Last Friday I went out and had dinner with him, and after that we went to a house party.  It was fun and we got a little tipsy together, something we had rarely even done when we were in a relationship.  He was nice and wanted to do things I enjoyed, like have a shot of tequila, something we had never done together.  Though it may be that during the time in which we were dating, I hadn't found love in tequila yet.  Let's just say that we, tequila and I, had never been properly introduced.

It may also have been great timing, when I got approval on the apartment last week I mentioned it in conversation and he offered to help.  I wasn't about to say no, especially after footing out a months rent and bond in advance.

Now comes the bad part, ever since we had dinner, caught up, had fun, I haven't been able to get him back out of my head.  And once again, he started on his hot and cold treatment.  Last week he acted like he wanted to hang out with me and enjoyed my company and then today during the move, it was the complete opposite.

I am weirded out.  I cannot handle this confusion in my life once again.  And I am dreading the hard work it's going to take to remove him once more from my head and from my life.

It had come to a point, just recently, that if he ever did come back into my life, I thought it would be easy not to feel anything, especially since I have moved on, had a few flings and played around in the dating scene again.

But I was wrong.  It's not that easy, and I wonder how and more importantly why, after such a long time, after months and months of getting over him and feeling safe about all feelings gone, have they now emerged.

Tequila can't help me this time.  I went to tequila after dinner with him but I was not alone.

Tequila is his friend too.

Yours truly,

Miss A.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

The Norfolk

I recently found myself a new obsession, a place where I would like to be every day of the week.  I heard about the newly re-furbished Norfolk a few months back, it possibly could've been last year.

It took me awhile to finally make it there for a visit.  But when I did, it was instant love.  In the midst of house hunting with my cuz, we went in for a little visit and lunch.  Cuz was hungover so she decided on a Bloody Mary.  Tasty... I thought, though I have not had a decent Bloody Mary since I last made it myself, and even so it would bring me back to a time when I ordered one at 8am at a pub and it was not the greatest.

Take a look at this, what's more, it's made with tequila and the right kind of spicey.  What an awesome concept.

I had a burger for lunch, don't let the minute size fool you.  So so tasty, and the sauce I put on the chips literally took my breath away... their Habanero sauce is seriously good.

The next time I went there, I went for the $3 tacos and complimented them with a Tommy's margarita.  I had emphasised to the bartender how there weren't too many people that could make a good margarita ... full stop.

So the bartender whom I was speaking with told me he had just come back from the U.S where "the margaritas were amazing" and would only cost you $6.  Brilliant! I thought.  Best margaritas always come from those who drink it themselves.

Although we waited over an hour for our dinner, it was worth it and I cannot wait to head back to try the remaining flavours on the menu, fish and vegetarian.  That night I had the chicken, beef and pork. The chicken being the favourite for me.  Taco Tuesday ... I highly recommend it - if you have the patience to wait.  Though it could just be a matter of being there at the right time.

ooooo.... my favourite night of the week is Tequila Friday.  I ventured there last Friday after a late dinner so I did miss out on the $5 tequila and sangrita shots and the $10 margaritas but the bar was still packed and vibing.

I ordered a Tommy's without even a second thought and shots of Herradura Anejo.  At that point I didn't know how much more I could've loved a place so that was when I decided I was obsessed.  There I had it, in my hands, the best Tommy's margarita I have had to date.  I was in heaven.

Norfolk Hotel, I love it.  The food is great, the drinks are delish, and the atmosphere is how I would describe as casual with an edge.  With the Norfolk I get the sense of cool without the wank, friendliness without the sucking up, a pride without the snobbery, and an edge without the weird.

Yours truly,

Miss A

The Norfolk Hotel
305 Cleveland Street
Surry Hills

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Bye Bye Tiny Dancer

Funny how things change so quickly.  From looking forward to the next kiss to not wanting to pick up his calls or answer his texts at all.

I quite liked not knowing him that well.  When all we really did was kiss and I would listen and smile to every time he called me sexy in his heavy Italian accent.

But now, every thought of him makes me cringe.  

I realised how the last few times we were together I paid for drinks and he made no offer to contribute.

I went with him into a bar and on entry he jumped around like he was Mr. Popular with his besties all around him, only to receive a luke warm response, an acknowledgement rather than an excitement to see him.

At that same bar, he proceeded to push in front to get served by trying to grab the attention of the manager by playing Mr. Popular again but the manager only looked at him and walked away.

He met me at dinner with some of my friends and then threw a tanty because he thought it was going to be just us - if that was the case, he should have said so rather than organise to meet me wherever I was.

After that same dinner, he said that he had to listen to us talk shit for two hours.

When I was over at his place, I sat and watched him drink his tea and he failed to offer me even a glass of water.

He would say in a text he would be five minutes away, only to turn up over half an hour later.

And when the clothes came off ... 

Damn, we just shouldn't have gotten to know each other.

Yours truly,

Miss A.

Sunday, May 8, 2011


There is always something really attractive about an European accent, and it gets me every time.

He is Italian, he's hot and totally sexy.  His accent and broken english text messages make smile and laugh. What's more, every time we meet, he showers me with compliments that make me giggle and smile even more.

I met him whilst he was working at a bar, ordering what else but a margarita and probably a round of tequila shots.  And when you invite someone to come sit with you when he finishes and he says yes, I didn't take it seriously. Back in my bar tending days I've probably said yes to a few patrons and forgotten about it minutes later.

Well he did come over and to my surprise, sat with us.

The last few times we have caught up, we pashed just about everywhere, dance floor, on the street, in a club, in a bar, waiting for drinks, waiting to get out onto the street.

I find kissing in public fun yet naughty, we would lose ourselves in the moment and my hand would wander under his shirt, get the light touch of fingers along my thigh or a grab on the ass, arms around a waist or neck.

Kissing (wherever it may be) - there's always a great passion about it especially when that someone wants to kiss you all the time.

Yours truly,

Miss A