Sunday, May 8, 2011


There is always something really attractive about an European accent, and it gets me every time.

He is Italian, he's hot and totally sexy.  His accent and broken english text messages make smile and laugh. What's more, every time we meet, he showers me with compliments that make me giggle and smile even more.

I met him whilst he was working at a bar, ordering what else but a margarita and probably a round of tequila shots.  And when you invite someone to come sit with you when he finishes and he says yes, I didn't take it seriously. Back in my bar tending days I've probably said yes to a few patrons and forgotten about it minutes later.

Well he did come over and to my surprise, sat with us.

The last few times we have caught up, we pashed just about everywhere, dance floor, on the street, in a club, in a bar, waiting for drinks, waiting to get out onto the street.

I find kissing in public fun yet naughty, we would lose ourselves in the moment and my hand would wander under his shirt, get the light touch of fingers along my thigh or a grab on the ass, arms around a waist or neck.

Kissing (wherever it may be) - there's always a great passion about it especially when that someone wants to kiss you all the time.

Yours truly,

Miss A

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