Thursday, March 3, 2011

Dating part 2: Tequila saves me again

Last night I had a date, another 'blind-ish date', well we have been chatting for about a week.

No Janey around this time, but tequila came to the rescue once again.  After a few margaritas, and an introduction to mezcal, I went off to Pocket bar to meet up with him.

I ordered another drink at the bar and saw this guy on his phone, looking like he was busy, I laughed silently and realised that I was going to have to do the approach and the initial hellos.  To put it in a nutshell the conversation was full of contradictions and he just decided to pay me out the whole time.  Which is fine initially, and I could laugh along but after awhile it got really exhausting!

Here is a snap shot of the conversation:

1. "I really don't like it when people talk about work because I think that's what makes them boring" - but then he kept asking me about work.

2. "I think you're a dork" but then follows it with "I think you're really cool" - but couldn't explain the reasons why he thought I was a dork.

3. "Oh is that an i-phone that you have there? Oooo that's an i-phone?" - annoying much? He had one too.

4."You live at home? Your cred just went down. You're in your 30's? Your cred just went down. You grew up in Maroubra? Your cred just went down" - why was I still hanging around?

5. "You went to Good Vibes? How old are you?" - and why was I still hanging around?

6. "I think you're really cool, you're interesting to talk to" - is this guy for real?

7. "I really feel like beer, pizza and a dvd, let's go" - how about no and how about, see you bye!

I left him on the street and went back to tequila.

He sent me a text later on in the night.

I ordered a round of shots.

Yours truly,

Miss A.

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