Sunday, September 25, 2011

Starstruck by Leonardo

It's kind of weird seeing an A-List celeb in real life.  Especially when they just look and act like a normal everyday person.  That was the case anyway with Leonardo Dicaprio.

The first time I saw him at Cherry he came by himself surrounded by body guards and sat in a reserved area by a corner spending the whole time on his phone.  There were others around him but he didn't really talk to anyone.

I was pretty close to him, and he is quite a good looking person - 'he looked exactly like he does in the movies' I thought to myself.

Then I thought to myself again - 'der ... of course he is going to look like he does in the movies.... cos he is him?'

I saw him again last Friday night at Cherry.  And when he walked in, dressed again in a baseball cap and black puffer jacket, he held his drink and just looked at the ground as he walked to his usual corner.

People must have gotten wind that he was here and suddenly there were interested on-lookers trying to get a glimpse of this superstar.  We were sitting behind him with a column in between us.  The Smiz, my bestie and Hollywood and I.  Smiz didn't really take to the whole Leonardo thing.  She thought it was pretty pointless how he causes such a scene just by 'being'.  I started thinking how he must hate being stared at, pointed at and talked about right in front of him.  People looked at him not in appreciation of his work or what he has accomplished as an actor, but more so like a rare jewel, or an endangered animal - it was like a sense of amazement.

He didn't stay for very long and when he left, life just went back to how it was.  We kept on drinking.

Starstruck? Yes perhaps.  It was all a bit exciting to have seen him twice.  :)

Yours truly,

Miss A.

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