Thursday, February 10, 2011

Birthdays are now Awesomedays

In my younger days and even as a child, I could never imagine what it would be like to be in my thirties. I then lived and loved so much of my twenties I always wonder what ever happened to it.  It was such a blur, I never really cared, and I lived and lived and pushed many boundaries and did things I would never dream of doing now.

But now here I am, thirty plus with still so much to accomplish and I already feel I am running out of time.  I escape with weekly Gossip Girl episodes and just dream and watch in awe and envy that they are all really living it up in their twenties and I can't help but wish I could do it all over again in New York.

Of course that would never happen, if I ever went to New York it would more likely be episodes of Sex and the City or even worse Lipstick Jungle, I could definitely see myself as Nico Riley, hooking up with a guy a few years younger and then wondering "what on earth am I doing!".

Tomorrow is my birthday and I have been trying my best to forget it, but thanks to Janey, once again she comes to my rescue and sends me the most positive text one could get, " can just be a day we celebrate how awesome you are"

Yours Truly,

Miss A.

Image thanks to:

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